The Carnavalesque Beauty Movement is a multi-layered consciousness shifting dance discipline that creates an initiation of sacred beauty in women through the structured study and diligent practice of wild, cultivated, elevated, passionate, ecstatic movement. I intricately developed and engineered this practice & its detailed curriculum through a global compilation of my own first-hand experiences of initiation in the perennial traditions of some of the world’s most ancient & ecstatic dance disciplines. The Carnavalesque Beauty Movement curriculum, workshops, classes and retreats, create a powerful “maximum-energy in self-celebration” context for women to freely revel and relish in total unabashed carnival style abandon, at the beauty and joy of their fully expressed, fully released sensuality in motion.
The Carnavalesque Beauty Movement classes combine the traditional benefits of fitness including strength, flexibility, balance, endurance and agility training all the while nourishing, cultivating and energizing all the different levels of consciousness in a woman (sensual, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic) engaging and integrating the Deepest, most authentic parts of Her Self. I invite all of you to register below for more information on our community, regular classes, and upcoming workshops and retreats."
From my Heart with Love,
Imperatrix Amaia
Founder of The Carnavalesque Beauty Movement
2012 Carnival Queen, Rio de Janeiro